Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Your Love – Ephesians 5:20-21 – Thanks for the Memories


This is Namma for Christ with the two hundred sixty-fifth inspirational message dated Thursday, March 21st, 2024. The title of this message is “Your Love – Ephesians 5:20-21 – Thanks for the Memories”.

The first two words of this message’s title are also the words of the title of the below anointed song/video, “Your Love” (with lyrics) as performed by Christian artist “Blessing Offor”.

The below passage of scripture (that accompanies this message) is from the twentieth and the twenty-first verses of the fifth chapter of Ephesians:

Ephesians 5:20-21

New Life Version - (NLV)

20 Always give thanks for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

21 Be willing to help and care for each other because of Christ. By doing this, you honor Christ.



For many years, I have enjoyed reading the inspirational messages as provided by Our Daily Bread Ministries in their publications of "OUR DAILY BREAD" and I’ve also enjoyed reading Charles Stanley’s Intouch daily devotionals. On the early morning of March 21st, 2024 – I had an inspirational message of my own that I feel God led me to share.

 I wanted to share this message with you (see the below message) – because “of the love” of my late father.

 Your Love – Eph. 5:20-21 - Thanks for the Memories



Recently, my co-teacher (and friend) and I were reminiscing about precious “memories” we each had experienced with our parents – when we were both younger.

I don’t even remember how “this subject” came up! We both had a brief break in our teaching – while our students were out of the classroom – during their physical-education class.

I shared a “precious memory” of an “incident” that I had with my late father:

The month and year had been January of 2003 and my father had been hospitalized - after having been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. It was truly a difficult time for my family and I. During my Dad’s hospitalization, I would visit my Dad (during my lunch hour). I had worked (at that time) at my previous job, a phone company, which was about a 20-minute drive from the hospital. There was one “particular visit” that stood out for me – which I will never forget. During my bed-side visit with my Dad in his hospital room, he had been receiving oxygen – through an “oxygen mask” – to help his breathing. I remember getting a “call” from my boss. At that time, we had “flip phones” – and my boss had called me on mine. Upon stepping out the room - I found out that I had to attend an upcoming meeting. As soon as I told my Dad that my job had called – he “took” off his oxygen mask and despite his weakened state – he told me, “GO!”

I will never forget it – because, I seriously wanted to stay a little longer with my Dad –  for our visit. When I saw the seriousness of my Dad’s request for me to “GO” (to return back to work) – I knew I HAD TO OBEY my Dad!

 I kissed my Dad, promised him that I would be back later to visit him and then I returned back to work. “This precious memory” reminded me of how much my Dad loved me. He always wanted what was best for “me”and both my siblings: my older brother and younger sister. My Dad “knew” that I needed my job – (as a single parent of two daughters) – he didn’t want me to jeopardize my job – by “not” returning to work – when I was called by my boss. My Dad demonstrated his love – by “not” thinking of himself – but, by thinking of what was BEST for me!  

Ephesians 5:21 is a verse that reminds us to think and care about others – and by doing this – we give the honor and glory to Jesus:

21 Be willing to help and care for each other because of Christ. By doing this, you honor Christ.



My Dad is in heaven now - but my love for him and my precious memories of him – will always last “forever”! May my Dad continue to rest in Heavenly peace with Jesus.


I pray that you have enjoyed the above message and I pray that you will enjoy the accompanied song.


Please enjoy the below song/video, “Your Love” (with lyrics) by Christian artist “Blessing Offor” performed with power and anointing.


(I do not own the rights to this song).


 (If you can't see the below video: Please scroll down to the end - Under the rectangular box labeled "Home" - please click "View web version". You will automatically be taken to the top of the message - please scroll down to the "end" of the message to view the video. Please press play to enjoy the song/video.)



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