Saturday, August 3, 2024

Stand in Your Love – Phil. 3:14 – PRESS ON

 This is “Namma for Christ” with the two hundred seventy-second inspirational message dated Saturday, August 3rd, 2024.  The title of this message is, “Stand in Your Love – Philippians 3:14 – PRESS ON”.  “Stand in Your Love” (with lyrics) by “Josh Baldwin” is a song that I first heard on my Christian radio station, Star 99.1FM. The below scripture is what is found in the 14th verse of the 3rd chapter of Philippians:


Philippians 3:14

New American Standard Bible (NASB)


 14 press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


 The scripture text of “this” message was taken from the “same” scripture text that I read on (August 2nd, 2024) in my daily devotional book (the 38th day's message) entitled: “The Word for You Today – 90 Days of Faith, Hope & Courage in Changing Times”.


The inspirational message I read on August 2nd, 2024, was titled – “PRESS ON”. I knew that it was a reminder that I wanted to share in my next message in my “Namma for Christ” blog. I hope you find (some of the excerpts) as inspirational as I did:



14 “I press on...”


Phil. 3:14

New American Standard Bible (NASB)


When “the bottom falls out” what do you do? Blame others? That only makes you bitter. Wallow in self-pity? That only paralyzes you! When David returned from battle and found his home burned to the ground and his family taken prisoner, he cried until he had no tears left. (It’s healthy to grieve your losses, just don’t get stuck there.) Next we read, “David strengthened himself in the Lord his God” (1st Samuel 30:6 NASB). That’s it! You’ve got to learn how to get alone and give yourself a good talking to! You’ve got to learn to pray for yourself and to quote God’s promises to yourself! “Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning” (Psalm 30:5 New Living Translation). Did you hear that? Joy is coming!

Change is on the way! Learn how to rise up and say,

“What does not destroy me will only make me stronger! No day lasts forever. This too shall pass. In the meantime, it will only drive me closer to God.”

Come on, start talking to yourself! Your weakness can be the discovery point for strength you never even knew you had! When Joseph recalled the worst time of his life - he said, “God turned into good what you meant for evil (Genesis 50:20 The Living Bible). Others don’t control your destiny – God does – and He’s not like others! You will come out of this stronger and wiser! Look beyond the pain, and you’ll find perspective. The word for you today is regroup, renew and reload – and whatever you do – Keep Pressing On!






Please enjoy the below song, “Stand in Your Love” (with lyrics) by “Josh Baldwin” performed with power and anointing.


(I do not own the rights to this song).



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