This is Namma for Christ with the fifty-fifth inspirational message dated Saturday, August 9th, 2014. The title of this message is: "unTITLED: BE GOD'S VESSEL- Jeremiah 18:1-6". This message is based on the below scripture text from the eighteenth chapter of Jeremiah (written by the prophet of the same name) as found in the Old Testament (NIV):
Jeremiah 18:1-6New International Version (NIV)
At the Potter’s House
18 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you My message.” 3 So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
5 Then the word of the Lord came to me. 6 He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in My hand, Israel.
Recently, on August 6th, 2014, I read an inspired message from "Our Daily Bread" about how God can take the "broken" and reuse it, remold it, and reshape it be new, useful and "BEAUTIFUL" for "His purposes". Please read the below and enjoy:
(As written by Cindy Hess Kasper from "Our Daily Bread" on August 6, 2014)
Recently, my daughter showed me her collection of sea glass. Also known as beach glass, the varied bits of colored glass are sometimes pieces of pottery but often they are pieces of shattered glass bottles. Originally the glass had a purpose, but then it was casually thrown away and became broken.
If the discarded glass ends up in an ocean, its journey is just beginning. As it is relentlessly tossed about by currents and tides, its jagged edges are ground down by the sand and waves and eventually are smoothed away and rounded off. The result is something beautiful. The jewel-like sea glass has found new life and is treasured by collectors and artists.
In a similar way, a broken life can be renewed when it is touched by God’s love and grace. In the Old Testament, we read that when the prophet Jeremiah watched a potter working, he noticed that if an object was marred the potter simply reshaped it (Jer. 18:1-6). God explained that in His hands the people of ancient Israel were like clay, which He would shape as He saw best.
We are never too badly broken for God to reshape. He loves us in spite of our imperfections and past mistakes, and He desires to make us beautiful. (as from
GOD IS NOT THROUGH WITH US, YET! God has a purpose for EVERYONE of HIS CHILDREN. He created us for HIS DIVINE PURPOSE. If we feel (at the present time) that we are at a low point in our lives...don't stay discouraged...PRAY, LOOK UP and KEEP LOOKING TO JESUS!
JESUS LOVES YOU! GOD is the POTTER, we are the clay...God is the Master Craftsman and He has set out to achieve a particular design in us, and He has a plan to make it take shape. As God's children - we must be patient...WE ARE ALL "WORKS IN PROGRESS"... JUST LIKE THE CLAY IN THE POTTER'S HANDS...WORKS OF GOD'S GREAT CREATIONS CANNOT BE RUSHED! He forms our Christlike character slowly - one experience at a time...we must surrender our will to HIS WILL. Let us live out the purposeful lives that God intends for us to live...that we may do HIS WILL!
Also, we don't "all" have to have a "title" to serve HIM: like Pastor, minister, or evangelist...God wants to use you right where YOU are! BE GOD's VESSEL - USE YOUR GIFTS AND TALENTS FOR HIM! Let God BLESS YOU....So that YOU can be a BLESSING to others! LIVE FOR JESUS...BECAUSE "HE LIVES" FOR "YOU"!
(I do not own the rights of the song.)
(I do not own the rights of the song.)
Please enjoy the below inspiring Christian rap song, "unTITLED", which is powerfully performed by Christian Hip Hop artist,"B-LUV" featuring Darion Ja'Von:
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