Thursday, August 22, 2024

Good Day – Prov. 17:22 – Lighten Up!


This is “Namma for Christ” with the two hundred seventy-fourth inspirational message dated Thursday, August 22nd, 2024.  The title of this message is, “Good Day – Prov. 17:22 – Lighten Up!”.  The song provided below - “Good Day” (with lyrics) by “Forrest Frank” is a song that I first heard on my Christian radio station, Star 99.1FM. The below scripture is what is found in the 22ndverse and the 17th chapter of Proverbs:


Proverbs 17:22

New Living Translation (NLT)

22 A cheerful heart is good medicine,
    but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.

 The scripture text of “this” message was taken from the “same” scripture text that I read on (August 21st, 2024) in my daily devotional book (the 54th day's message) entitled: “The Word for You Today – 90 Days of Faith, Hope & Courage in Changing Times”.


The inspirational message I read on August 21st, 2024, was titled – “LIGHTEN UP!”. I knew that it was a reminder that I wanted to share in my next message in my “Namma for Christ” blog. I hope you find (some of the excerpts) as inspirational as I did:



3 “Unless you… become like children


Matthew 18:3

New American Standard (NAS)


How’s your sense of humor these days? Jesus said, “Unless you…become like children, you will not enter the kingdom.” Anne Klein, an expert on healing through humor reminds us that children laugh about four hundred times a day and adults just fifteen. And you pay a price for it! Your spirit breaks, you lose your vitality and shrivel up emotionally. Laughter has an immediate effect on your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, muscle and brain activity. It influences how your body handles disease by activating your immune system. The Bible says, “A relaxed attitude lengthens…life” (Prov. 14:30) The Living Bible. “A joyful heart makes a [happy] face” (Prov. 15:13 NAS). “For the happy…life is a continual feast” (Prov. 15:15 NLT). “A cheerful heart is good medicine…a broken spirit saps a person’s strength” (Prov. 17:22 NLT). If a pill could do all that for you, wouldn’t you take it? Life should be enjoyed, not endured! (Pastor and Christian author) Chuck Swindoll once said, “Laughter is a God-given escape hatch…a safety valve…to lack a sense of humor is a serious deficiency.”

Remember –


“A cheerful heart is good medicine…a broken spirit saps a person’s strength” (Prov. 17:22 New Living Translation).


Please enjoy the below song, “Good Day” (with lyrics) by “Forrest Frank” performed with power and anointing.


(I do not own the rights to this song).



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